

We are proud of the positive feedback we have received from our clients regarding the quality of our work and our commitment to their needs. Please take the time to review a sampling of recent testimonials sent to us by our clients. Our client’s last names have been removed to protect their privacy. Some minor edits have been made for brevity, but the words belong to our clients. Every client’s needs are unique and the results may be different than past results of other clients.

Resourcefulness Beyond

“We hired Metro Marketing Group to assist us with refining our marketing plans. They truly understood this area very well and gave us very good ideas to improve our execution in this area. Metro Marketing Group is truly an expert in the marketing field and we recommend them.”Thomas C.


“When it came to outsourcing of marketing services, The Metro Marketing Group proved to be a real expert. They helped us to quickly create a short list of the best vendors in the marketplace as well as a detailed RFP that clearly illustrated our requirements. Their work resulted in us selecting a great company to help with our sales and marketing materials fulfillment.”-Michelle T.


Innovative and Creative

“Metro Marketing Group really helped me get my feet on solid ground. They helped us build and append a database of targeted prospects and create a suite of offers (calls-to-action) designed to encourage prospects to respond to us. These steps were instrumental in developing an effective sales lead generation plan for our accounting and financial software firm.“ – Allan G.


Creative Problem Solvers

“Metro Marketing Group was easy to work with, prompt, up-to-date on the latest and greatest, and shares information that a starter or seasoned marketer can understand and take something away from.”-Mary F.

Meticulous Attention to Detail

“I owe Metro Marketing Group a lot of credit for enabling me to focus on what mattered…actionable, relevant data on opportunities for the field to follow up on! I would hire Metro Marketing Group again if the opportunity presented itself.”-Donald D.

If you have used the services of Metro Marketing Group, please leave a recommendation below.

